Goodbye Bull*** Hello Happiness
Atousa Raissyan, the host, has ”Soul Talks” about life, choices, happiness, transformation, healing, magic and so much more. This cutting edge show is designed to show you that life, healing and spirituality can be easy but breaking open those beliefs and getting you to follow your internal guiding system, your intuition, is the Golden Key! Clients and persons listening to the content of these podcasts, understand that I am not a doctor and not providing medical advice, and not replacing conventional medical diagnosis or treatment. And if anyone feels they need help to seek and/or consult their physician they should do so.
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Being in state of love and definition of suffering
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
I do a workshop/masterclass every week in my wild unicorns membership group. And this is parts of that conversation. I felt is was a powerful topic and wanted to share specially for today.
Talking about suffering and what does it mean to be in state of love.
I took the others out however left Sara Cronan from our magical curiosity episodes in here.
If you like to be part of the group link in my bio
Comment if it was helpful.
Comment what resonated with you.
Share with others that may enjoy and find it helpful.
#shaman #shamanichealing #energyhealer #lifetransformation #spiritualguidance #loveisastateofbeing #loveyourself #endyoursuffering #shareyourlight #shareyourgifts #pasttraumahealing #innerchildhealing #emdrtherapy
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Young and Empowered - generational and societal trauma and healing
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
GBHH Young And Empowered with Samir Kalil
Conversation about Healing generational trauma and societal trauma and why it’s important at this time.
We talk about forgiveness, love and acceptance, facing your past and trauma, bringing male and female energies together.
Also stayed tuned for Samir latest music video releasing end of this month.
#shaman #shamanichealing #lifetransformation #facingyourpasttraumas #loveandacceptance #loveandacceptyourself #youngandempowered #generationaltrauma #societaltrauma #traumahealing #generationalhealing #changingthefuture
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Magical Curiosities:definition of magic, communication challenges and more
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Goodbye Bullshit, Hello Happiness Magical Curiosities edition with my co-host Sara Cronan. We talked about definition of magic, what does it mean to live with magic and experience magic, challenges in communicating, acceptance, fears, and intuition.
Magic is not outside of us it’s within us, connection to our intuitive knowing and bring joy and excitement to our lives and our hearts.
#shaman #shamanichealing #energyhealing #pasttraumarelease #lifetransformation #lifecoach #inspirationalstories #inspirationalwomen #hellohappiness #goodbyebs #lifeofmagic #intuitiveliving #magicalcuriosities #liveabetterlife #weallhavegifts
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Conscious Parenting Ep2 what do you worry as parents?
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Goodbye Bullshit Hello Happiness - Conscious Parenting
We all have different parenting styles and we can agree that we all have our worries as parents. We talked about some of our worries and how we go through them. Also talking about awareness of current generation.
And at the end of the day we all agreed if you love your child, you are present and supportive everything else falls into place.
#shaman #shamanichealing #energyhealing #lifetransformation #empoweringwomen #spiritualteacher #liveyourbestlife #pasttrauma #innerchildhealing #shiftyourenergy #collectiveshift #iamenough #trustyourself #trusttheflow #HelloHappiness #consciousparenting #parenting #nextgeneration #hopeforfuturegeneration
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Young and Empowered with Atousa Raissyan and Co-host Samir Kalil.
We talked about Micro-dosing. Instant gratification. Social media. Spiritual and wellness Trap. Getting young minds to focus more inward that outward. And ways to help.
#microdosing #eatingdisorders #instantgratificatio #socialmedia #seethetruth #focusinward #spiritualtrap #wellnesstrap #psychicattacks #shaman #traumahealing #lifetransformation #goodbyebull #hellohappiness #inspirtationalconversation #truthspeaking
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Episode 42: Sara Cronan, self medicating, being adopted, healing
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Episode 42: Sara Cronan, Music Teacher, voice instructor, and a wild unicorn.
We talked about self medicating, being adopted, drowning out the noise, healing from trauma, practice to change behaviors, magic curiosities and so much more.
This was such an amazing conversation. One of my top for sure.
To get in touch with her use
#shaman #shamanichealing #energyhealing #lifetransformation #empoweringwomen #loveyourself #loveyourbody #loveyourlife #publishedauthor #spiritualguide #spiritualteacher #liveyourbestlife #soulysticunicorns #magicineveryday #pasttrauma #innerchildhealing #inspirationalspeaker #collectiveshift #iexist #iamenough #trustyourself #trusttheuniverse #trusttheflow #hellohappiness #microdosing #selfmedicating #adoption #woundsofadoption #beingadopted #magiccuriosities #drownoutthenoise
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Episode 41: Hilary Wheeler is one of the fabulous moms on conscious parenting. So I wanted you guys to get to know her.
Talking about body love, body shame, stress eating, toxic relationships, need for validation and acceptance and choice.
#shaman #shamanichealing #energyhealing #energyhealer #lifetransformation #lifetransformationcoach #empoweringwomen #loveyourself #loveyourbody #loveyourlife #publishedauthor #spiritualguide #spiritualteacher #lifecoach #liveyourbestlife #soulysticunicorns #magicineveryday #pasttrauma #innerchildhealing #inspirationalspeaker #shiftyourenergy #collectiveshift #iam #iexist #iamenough #trustyourself #trusttheuniverse #trusttheflow #hellohappiness
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Episode 40: first episode of conscious parenting
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
As promised I have added a monthly discussion to help out parents. So let me introduce you to four other beautiful moms. We all have different parenting styles, different age kids, and different challenges as parents, I think between the five of us we cover a good range.
So help me welcome Deanna Butts @dealightful @deannabutts, Angelique Byrd @angeliquebyrd @angelbyrd, Elle Sojourner @ellesojourner, @ellerichiesojourner, and last but not least Hilary Wheeler @littlemangroup
We talked about our parenting styles, cutting the cord, each kid is unique, embracing the differences, not fixing it, WINE, college, grades, forgiveness and so much more. And had a great laugh doing it. So join us for this show and every month. Make sure to subscribe.
#shaman #shamanichealing #energyhealing #lifetransformation #lifetransformationcoach #empoweringwomen #loveyourself #loveyourbody #loveyourlife #publishedauthor #spiritualguide #spiritualteacher #lifecoach #liveyourbestlife #soulysticunicorns #magicineveryday #pasttrauma #innerchildhealing #inspirationalspeaker #shiftyourenergy #collectiveshift #iam #iexist #iamenough #trustyourself #trusttheuniverse #trusttheflow #HelloHappiness #consciousparenting #parenting
I started these podcast to inspire people to change their lives and start releasing the bullshit in their lives so that they can live a more happier fulfilled life.
The truth is that is easier and more doable than you think. My goal is to get you to love your self, let go of the rules, have fun, see the magic in your life and live the life that you desire.
I have conversations with other ordinary people, my once a month co-host Hollis and just giving your general guidance.