Goodbye Bull*** Hello Happiness
Atousa Raissyan, the host, has ”Soul Talks” about life, choices, happiness, transformation, healing, magic and so much more. This cutting edge show is designed to show you that life, healing and spirituality can be easy but breaking open those beliefs and getting you to follow your internal guiding system, your intuition, is the Golden Key! Clients and persons listening to the content of these podcasts, understand that I am not a doctor and not providing medical advice, and not replacing conventional medical diagnosis or treatment. And if anyone feels they need help to seek and/or consult their physician they should do so.
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
How to find your happy?
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
A great conversation Susan Montanaro Host of Dreams and Detours podcast. We talked about how to find your happiness and so much more. One of the best shows.
Dreams and Detours is a show about the life we planned to have vs the one we are living. As a Psychotherapist and Holistic Health Counselor, Susan guides people to reconnect with themselves to live a peaceful + healthy life.
You can find out more about Susan and the podcast at
#podcast #healthylifestyle #hellohappiness #goodbyebullshit #youtubetv #realconversarions #selfhelppodcast #findyourhappy #pasttrauma #pasttraumahealing #shamanichealing #loveyourself #lovinglife #abundance
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
What is the secret ingredient to Magic? How do we experience it?
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Goodbye Bullshit Hello Happiness Magical Curiosities Edition
Sara and I talked about what is magic? Different ways we experience magic? And what is are ingredients to getting to feel and see and use your magic.
#goodbyebullshit #hellohappiness #magic #magicalcuriosities #traumahealing #recognizesigns #tarot #connectwithnature #naturemagic #podcast #youtubetv #inspiringstories #inspiringwomen #spiritualawakening #shaman #shamanichealing #energyhealing
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Trauma Parenting - what is it and how does it affect our parenting skills
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Goodbye Bullshit Hello Happiness: Consious Parenting Edition. This week only with Hilary Wheeler.
We talked about definition of trauma parenting. How it impacts our parenting skills and started to talk about what are the ways that we can help ourself and our kids when we are trauma parenting. We will comber more next month. Key point as long as you love your kids and you are doing your best and working on healing yourself you are doing a great job parenting. Know that you are not alone. And that you know best what is right for your kids and you.
#parentingpodcast #parenting #podcast #parentingtips #momlife #dadlife #consciousparenting #mompodcast #positiveparenting #dadpodcast #parenthood #parentingadvice #parentinglife #parentingpodcasts #parentinghelp #parentingsupport #joyfulparenting #mindfulparenting #parentinghacks #parentingcoach #motherhoodunplugged #goodbyebull #hellohappiness #lifesimplified #traumahealing #traumaparenting
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Releasing Labels and changing the world from inside out
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Goodbye Bullshit Hello Happiness: Young and Empowered - with Samir Kalil
This month we talked about label enforcement and preferences. Acceptance that comes from within and then moves out into the world and our experiences. Creating a space of warmth space of love space of acceptance for generations to come.
Labels and identities have been used for generations and generations to segregate and separate. Labels and identities are created from a place of fear. When you love and accept there is no need for labels and identities because then we see each other as one.
#podcast #goodbyebull #hellohappiness #youngandempowered #acceptyourself #letgooflabels #letgoofidentity #loveistheanswer #speakyourtruth
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Magical Curiosities - helping loved ones during their transition
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Goodbye Bullshit Hello Happiness - Magical Curiosities Edition
With Atousa Raissyan and Sara Cronan
Sara recently helped her mom transition and we thought it would be great to invite you to share with the experience.
Universe/life prepares us during these times. The ones transitioning can work with their loved ones, or vice versa, to help process the grief and help with moving into light. We talked about ways to help with the transition and grieving process
Please join us live or watch or listen later. Don’t forget to subscribe to podcast and YouTube channel so you don’t miss future shows. And please share.
#magicalcuriosities #magikalkuriosities #goodbyebull #hellohappiness #reallifeconversations #inspiringwomen #inspiringconversations #healingpodcast #spiritualpodcast #inspirationalpodcast #mentalhealthpodcast #emotionalhealthpodcast #liveaninspiredlife #podcast #healthandwellness #transformationcoach #shamanichealing #energyhealer
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Defining roles as parent and giving the gift of life
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Goodbye Bullshit Hello Happiness- Conscious Parenting with Deanna Butts, Angelique Byrd, Elle Sojourner and Hilary Wheeler.
As parents we give the gift of life to a child. And as all gifts once it’s given it’s not yours anymore to hold on to. So how do you let go and honor that gift.
#shaman #shamanichealing #energyhealing #lifetransformation #empoweringwomen #spiritualteacher #liveyourbestlife #pasttrauma #innerchildhealing #shiftyourenergy #collectiveshift #iamenough #trustyourself #trusttheflow #HelloHappiness #consciousparenting #parenting #nextgeneration #hopeforfuturegeneration #giftoflife
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Being in state of love and definition of suffering
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
I do a workshop/masterclass every week in my wild unicorns membership group. And this is parts of that conversation. I felt is was a powerful topic and wanted to share specially for today.
Talking about suffering and what does it mean to be in state of love.
I took the others out however left Sara Cronan from our magical curiosity episodes in here.
If you like to be part of the group link in my bio
Comment if it was helpful.
Comment what resonated with you.
Share with others that may enjoy and find it helpful.
#shaman #shamanichealing #energyhealer #lifetransformation #spiritualguidance #loveisastateofbeing #loveyourself #endyoursuffering #shareyourlight #shareyourgifts #pasttraumahealing #innerchildhealing #emdrtherapy
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Young and Empowered - generational and societal trauma and healing
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
GBHH Young And Empowered with Samir Kalil
Conversation about Healing generational trauma and societal trauma and why it’s important at this time.
We talk about forgiveness, love and acceptance, facing your past and trauma, bringing male and female energies together.
Also stayed tuned for Samir latest music video releasing end of this month.
#shaman #shamanichealing #lifetransformation #facingyourpasttraumas #loveandacceptance #loveandacceptyourself #youngandempowered #generationaltrauma #societaltrauma #traumahealing #generationalhealing #changingthefuture
I started these podcast to inspire people to change their lives and start releasing the bullshit in their lives so that they can live a more happier fulfilled life.
The truth is that is easier and more doable than you think. My goal is to get you to love your self, let go of the rules, have fun, see the magic in your life and live the life that you desire.
I have conversations with other ordinary people, my once a month co-host Hollis and just giving your general guidance.